Spine Correction – Chiropractic Works Hudson NH

Winter is a great time to be outside

I know its cold out there. Sure it would be easy to bundle up with some junk food and watch movies but that\’s not living!

Look at all the positives of being outside now.

There are no bugs! The mosquitoes and ticks are in hiding.

The crowds are also gone. They are all inside watching TV and eating comfort foods. It can be so peaceful to be outside this time of year. The snow adds a blanket of silence to the woods.

Sure it can take some extra work and planning to make sure you are comfortable and safe out there but it is so worth it. Make sure kids are bundled up properly with good gloves and a warm hat with plenty of layers. (I can\’t put my arms down!) Kids tend to run warmer than adults and they are more active when they are outside so watch to make sure they are not sweating. If they are remove some layers while they are running around and put them back on when they stop moving. This is sound advice for anyone enjoying the outdoors in winter. You should start out a little chilly and then warm up as you get moving. If you get too hot take off layers. As soon as you stop moving put the extra layers back on. Don\’t wait until you are cold. It is easier to stay warm then to get warm.

Don\’t forget to hydrate. People tend to forget they still need to be drinking even though they aren\’t hot and sweaty. In the winter the air is dryer and you loose a lot of moisture just breathing. Bring plenty of water and bring something warm to drink also. Tea is great or hot chocolate. If you are doing something really strenuous like snowshoeing or skiing warm broth or soup is great.

With young kids take it slow and get out in shorter bursts to make sure they are having fun and not getting too cold.

After being outside expending all that energy getting around in the snow now you\’ve earned that warm comforting meal and maybe a movie under a warm blanket in front of the fire.

Get out and enjoy!