Spine Correction – Chiropractic Works Hudson NH

New Year new resolutions?

This time of year many people make resolutions to get healthier. If that is on your list then here are some general tips. These are topics I delve deeper into throughout the year in my weekly newsletters so keep checking them!

Let\’s start with food. You are what you eat so make sure you are feeding your body with healthy food. A great start is to focus on eating real food. If it comes in a package or box it may not be the best choice. A well balanced diet with healthy protein and fats from organic meats, lots of fruit and vegetables and minimal grains is the best balance. Variety is key. shop local at farm stands when possible and eat what is in season and available.

Movement is the next important piece of being healthy. We aren\’t designed to sit, we need to be up and moving around. That can be tough in this day and age of sitting in the car commuting to sit at a desk job and sitting to commute home. But make an effort to move for at least 30 minutes every day. This can be doing anything you like. There is no one exercise program that is right for everyone. Hit the gym, join a yoga class, just go for a walk. Do something you like so you\’ll be more likely to stick with it.

No matter the time of year take time to get outside. Our body needs to feel the sun on our skin and get some fresh air. Make it a part of your exercise routine and get some of your activity out doors. Even if it just means going for a short walk at lunch time at work.

Get plenty of rest. Sleep is when our body does it\’s healing and resets our brain. Don\’t neglect getting enough sleep, at least 6 hours is recommended.

Last, but certainly not least, don\’t neglect your spine! Get adjusted regularly to keep your nervous system functioning at it\’s peak. It is required for all of the activities listed above. Your nervous system is what is controlling the digestion and processing of all that healthy food you\’re eating. Your nervous system is controlling your muscles, heart and lungs during exercise. So keep it functioning as intended with Chiropractic!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2020!