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Top reasons to choose organic.

This is a topic I\’ve covered several times before but a few recent studies prompted me to revisit the topic.

I\’ve covered how organic produce has a higher concentration of antioxidants and vitamins before. You can read that article here.
For this article I wanted to cover two studies that show reduced risk of cancer from choosing organic over conventional produce.

The first study looked at a large patient population and tracked how much organic versus conventional foods they ate. What the study found was that those who ate higher amounts of organic had a significantly lower risk of developing cancer.

There could be a few reasons for this. First, as the article I linked to before shows, organic produce has higher concentrations of antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful nutrients that protect our bodies from all sorts of diseases by boosting our immune system.

Secondly conventional produce is covered in synthetic pesticides. These pesticides are known carcinogens. It is sometimes argued that the amounts are too low to pose any danger to people eating the products. I have to ask why ingest any if there are options grown without them.
This brings me to the second research paper I found while putting this article together.

The Environmental Working Group found higher levels of pesticides than some vitamins in breakfast cereals. Particularly oat based products. One of the cereals they tested was Honey Nut Cheerios. A product that is marketed to children, and is supposedly healthy for you, if you believe what the commercials say. Which, by the way, you should never believe.
This shows you shouldn\’t only be worried about fresh produce and meats when considering organic. Packaged foods made with wheat or oats, as in this study, should also be organic.

Make healthy choices to feed yourself and your family the best options to stay healthy and ward off disease.