Spine Correction – Chiropractic Works Hudson NH

Shop local at the farm stands.

It may not always feel like here in northern New England but spring is right around the corner.

One of my favorite signs that spring is here is the local farm stands will be opening up.

If you\’ve read my newsletters for any length of time you know I am a big fan of choosing organic whenever possible. Conventionally grown fruits, vegetables and meats are treated with large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers. One of the reasons they have to use all of these products is to support the massive quantities of produce they are growing and shipping out. The produce also needs to still be \”fresh\” when it gets across the country to the stores that are selling it. This usually means harvesting before an item is completely ripe so it is more durable for transport and isn\’t rotting after a day or two in the store.

Being able to grow and ship produce around the country does have benefits. It\’s the reason you can enjoy and orange or watermelon in the middle of winter in even though they wouldn\’t grow up here even in summer. But you can\’t beat local fresh produce.

Shopping at the local farm stands will get you fresh, seasonal produce. The fruits and vegetables grown local, while they may not be organic, they will likely have less pesticides and artificial fertilizers as they are grown on smaller more sustainable farms. The produce also doesn\’t have to survive sitting in a truck for a week to get across the country.

Choosing local and in season also puts a healthy variety in your diet. Picking fruits or vegetables that are in season will generally give you a fresher and more nutritious product. Who doesn\’t look forward the fresh corn on the cob in the summer or a crisp apple in the fall. For much of our human history we were forced to eat seasonally. There can be a great feeling in enjoying the local fresh produce as it becomes available.

Right now we should be doing everything we can to keep our bodies and minds as healthy as possible. You are what you eat and healthy food should be at everyone\’s start to getting and staying healthy.

You also need to make sure your body can process and use all this healthy food properly. Guess what system in the body controls how well you can do that?

If you guessed your nervous system you are right! Now how do you keep you nervous system running at it\’s peak?

If you said Chiropractic give yourself a gold star! You\’re two for two!

Make it a great week!