Spine Correction – Chiropractic Works Hudson NH

The Importance of a Quality Multi-vitamin

There are three key supplements we should be taking to be healthy. They are a multi-vitamin, fish oil and probiotics. This article will cover multi vitamins the other two are important enough to get there own write ups so look those up too.

Ideally most of our nutrition should be coming from our diet. However we know our diet will not always be perfect in these busy times. This is where a quality multivitamin comes in to save the day and fill in the gaps in a less than perfect diet.

Obviously, as the name implies, there are multiple vitamins in a supplement. (It\’s this cutting edge info you read this for right?) Covering the potential benefit of every vitamin that could be included in a multivitamin is beyond the scope of this article. Instead I will focus on a group of vitamins that will help achieve and accelerate the goals of the Chiropractic adjustment which is the health of your nervous system.

Getting adjusted regularly is about making sure your body and nervous system is functioning at its peak and the complex of B vitamins are some of the most important in nervous system repair and function.

You have certainly heard of the importance for pregnant women to take a vitamin with extra B9 or folate to prevent a specific type of nervous system disorder. That is just the start. The benefits of all of the B vitamins to the health of our nervous system extends throughout our lifetime.

Some of the B vitamins are vital for the formation of neurotransmitters. These are chemicals that allow our nerves to transmit proper signals to our body and brain. Other B vitamins are key for repairing the insulation that surrounds and protects all of the nerves throughout our body.

Low levels of B vitamins have been linked to depression, nerve pain and weakness.

Making sure our nervous system has the nutrients it needs to function properly and be protected makes sense right? Right!

So remember to get adjusted to allow your nervous system to function properly and feed it the nutrition it needs!